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The Big Picture

      Hello readers! At this point, you have obtained knowledge on a variety of factors that influence happiness and emotional well-being in order to get to the bottom of what makes you happy. The question posed within this blog is whether or not money can make you happy? The answer is yes, money can contribute to one's happiness; however, my point is that money alone cannot make a person happy.      It is important to note that there are exceptions to everything, and that there are going to be those people who are completely content because of their wealth and success alone. Overall, what makes a person happy is much more difficult to figure out, as there are many things that influence the emotional state of a person. Money and financial well-being are included in this list of factors, as they contribute to one's stress-levels; and from personal experience, when I am stressed I am not the happiest of people. However these two things are accompanied by a list of other factors,

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