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     Hello readers! If you are pondering the reasons for your contentment, and are wondering if money is necessary to obtain this, then you are in the right place. I myself continue to wonder this, so let us get to the bottom of what makes you happy!

    Don't get me wrong, I love a good pair of new sneakers. I recently made a purchase on New Balance 574's that are probably the most comfortable pair of shoes I own. Receiving that package on my doorstep brought me instant joy, however the question is: Are these moments of joy that stem from purchasing material goods the reason for our happiness? Maybe the purchase isn't the reason either, but the ability to make the purchase if needed or wanted? A direct answer on this subject may be difficult to find as different things make each individual happy. However, by reading this blog, you should be able to come close to your personal decision.

    According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, happiness is defined as 1) a state of well-being and contentment; 2) a pleasurable or satisfying experience. This may be the dictionary definition of the term happiness, however many people view this as a feeling-something we know when we feel it- not as something that can be defined. From Greater Good Magazine of the University of Berkeley, Sonja Lyubomirsky elaborates on her definition of happiness as "the experience of joy, contentment, or positive well-being, combined with a sense that one's life is good, meaningful, and worthwhile." To hear more about Lyubomirsky's perspective on happiness, view her video included in this post. A basic understanding of happiness is the knowledge that it brings us positive emotions. We strive to obtain this feeling as it gives us the sense that we are doing something right. This desire to obtain this joyful feeling influences many decisions we make in our daily life.

    The ultimate theme that guides many of our decisions is what brings meaning to our lives, and what will make us the most happy. One of the first major decisions high school students make is what college they will attend. This is an important financial decision that will determine much of their future; and they make this decision based on a variety of factors. These factors include whether or not the college has the desired major, if the college is affordable, if the location is ideal, and if the applicant will be happy there. After college, people tend to take the next major step of beginning their career. Factors involved in choosing a possible forever occupation include if the job pays well, if the location of work is practical, if the job provides benefits such as healthcare and/or insurance, and if the job applicant would feel happy fulfilling the job. The common factor involved in these two major decisions is whether or not the person would be happy with their decision. 

    Obtaining happiness guides us through much of our lives, however what are we working for to reach this? To go along with the main topic of this blog, money and wealth is often what people turn to to obtain pure joy. Can money provide us with this feeling of contentment? Keep reading, because I am going to elaborate more on this topic here on this blog. Enjoy!
